Crusty Demons Adelaide – Jacko Lands the Front Flip!!

The Adelaide show was amazing but there was a few hiccups along the way. It all started in practise when Mike Mason went for a standard seat grab, missed, and fell from 30 feet in the air. No major injuries but Mike was pretty banged up and couldn’t ride in the show. 

During the show Seth Enslow decided to jump in unexpectedly during the whips, misjudged his landing and knocked himself unconscious in the middle of the show. Luckily the paramedics were on site who carried him off to the hospital, only for him to escape and show up at the after party with the testing patches still on! The streak of bad luck ended with Benny Fiez attempting a double back flip on his Pro Z mini bike, missing the resi-mat and landing on the dirt, dislocating his shoulder.

On a happier and more exciting note, for the first time in the world, Jacko Strong landed his signature 85ft front flip indoors and Kain Saul also landed his Harley backflip for the second time on the tour. We thought the boys were going to kill themselves after the stacks in the first half of the show but they pulled all their tricks and raised the roof. Congrats boys!

Check out a video of Jacko’s front flip below.

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